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CIBOR nv included in the list of certified airtightness measurers

From 1 January 2015, for EPB in Flanders, only airtightness measurements may be used that were performed in accordance with STS-P 71-3 ‘Airtightness of buildings – airtightness measurement’. For example, this means that the measurement may only be performed by certified airtightness measurers. In order to become certified, the persons performing such airtightness measurements must have the requisite theoretical and practical knowledge and be able to prove that they have the minimum amount of experience.

BCCA vzw has worked out a quality framework that satisfies these specifications. CIBOR nv was included in the list of companies that was certified by BCCA vzw to perform airtightness tests in accordance with STS-P 71-3.

BCCA vzw – Belgian Construction Certification Association

VEA – Flemish Energy Agency (‘Vlaams Energieagentschap’)

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Need to repair a leak under the kitchen floor, but don’t have any spare tiles? Thankfully, Cibor has a solution for removing tiles without breaking them.
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