Using detectors to trace gas leaks
During major gas leaks, a gas smell is often encountered because tetrahydrothiophene (odorant) is added to natural gas. This is more difficult when it comes to minor gas leaks or leaks where gas accumulates in confined spaces. But gas smells are not always encountered, which makes it difficult to assess all situations.
Thanks to its very accurate and precisely calibrated measuring equipment, Cibor is able to determine if there is a leak and how big it is . We can then use a unique inert tracer to locate the exact source of the leak.
Besides dealing with leaks, we are also performing more and more preventive measurements (particularly in apartment buildings). This gives residents peace of mind and allows faults to be identified before real problems arise.
Contact us
Would you like to know more about the detecting leaks in your gas pipes? Then discuss your needs with one of our experts on 0800 21342 or send us an email.